Using Google Search Console with Julia Bocchese

In this episode of the Product Powerhouse Podcast, Julia Bocchese is sharing the importance of using Google Search Console to locate your broken links and actionable steps you can take right now to course correct some of these SEO errors. 

Some of the talking points Julia Bocchese covers in this episode include:

  • What a 404 error means and how you can avoid them in the first place.  
  • Using Google Search Console to your advantage with SEO, site traffic, and detecting errors on your site so Google finds them before your customers do. 
  • Breaking down which pages of your site should be listed under no index and which ones are important for Google to be ranking for your business. 
  • How redirecting customers to a new page after finding a broken link can save your SEO by avoiding driving your bounce rates up. 
  • Translating the techy language from Google Search Console so you can start understanding its features and using it today. 
  • Bonus tips for boosting your SEO.  

There is a lot of techy things you can do with your site that may not be for everyone, however, Julia and I are confident you can DIY the tips and tricks we shared today to resolve those broken links and errors that may be negatively affecting your SEO. So be sure to tune in to all the episodes to receive tons of practical tips on growing your product shop and to hear even more about the points outlined above.

Thank you for listening!

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