Migrating your Product Business to Shopify

Migrating over to Shopify is generally an overall easy task, however, it can be tedious and repetitive. That’s why episode 47 of the Product Powerhouse Podcast is about my tips for migrating to Shopify! 

In this episode of the Product Powerhouse Podcast, I’m sharing the importance of working smarter not harder when it comes to migrating and actionable steps you can take right now to move your product-based business to Shopify. 

Some of the talking points I go over in this episode include:

  • Everything you need to know about transferring your business from one platform to another- the easy way, the hard way, and all of the little tips and tricks in between. 
  • Learn from my mistakes so you can avoid making them yourself. 
  • Why backups are super important in everything you do when it comes to your shop and making changes to it. 
  • What information is important to transfer over and why you’ll be happy you did it. 

If you find that Shopify is the right platform for you, follow my tips to migrate your business over like a pro to make the process as easy as it possibly can be. So be sure to tune in to all the episodes to receive tons of practical tips on growing your product shop and to hear even more about the points outlined above.

Thank you for listening!

If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me!  And don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!




Show Notes

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