The Parts of Running a Product-based Business that No One is Talking about with Gina Park

One of the common problems or frustrations I hear from my clients is that there's just not enough resources out there for people who have product-based businesses. It seems like all of the advice out there is very specific to maybe running an Etsy shop or creating an eBay storefront, or even like drop shipping. There's this gap of information specific to creating a store or creating a product and putting it out there for sale. 

I'm not the only one who's noticed this gap. There are a few people who have noticed, and one of those is today's podcast guest. Today, on the show we have Gina Park of Oh Happy Biz. 

Gina is incredible. She's an e-commerce business coach that has built her own six-figure, actually multiple six-figure brands on Shopify and Amazon. And now she's taking everything she's learned, and all the hurdles she had to learn the hard way over the last six years and turn them into coaching and a program to help you start your business or grow your business. Gina works with a lot of clients who are in the beginning stages, they're ready to create a product, or they have a really great product idea, and they need the foundations of setting up their store in a way that's going to be profitable. In a way that's going to set them up for success and growth to get to that six-figure level that we're all kind of dreaming of.

In this episode, we talk about: 

  • Starting a business when you have a brand new baby at home
  • The struggles of being a mom entrepreneur
  • Some of the big mistakes she made while building her shop including things like importing products from overseas, patent issues, Environment Protection Agency regulations… she’s been through it all
  • The struggles of trying to find a business community where she felt supported and encouraged in her business when her other friends just didn’t understand Facebook ads or sales funnels. 
  • The types of shop owners she supports with her six-week program, Zero To Six-Figure 
  • Online Store
  • The learning process she’s going through currently to add in a service-based business coaching business.
  • Just how much mindset plays into running your own business. 
  • And so much more. 

Sign up for the Zero to Six-Figure Online Store waitlist.



Oh Happy Biz



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