Four Things to Focus on For Better Website Conversions

It can be really frustrating for business owners when you have traffic coming to your website but it seems like you no one is buying your products, signing up for your email list, or scheduling a discovery call.

The good news is that you can make a few tweaks to get better results. There are four areas you need to focus on to get better conversion rates.

But first.

What is a conversion?

Conversions on your website are when people take the next step. It could be that they sign up for your email list, or schedule a discovery call, or join your Facebook community.

It’s different for every business.

One thing to remember is that a conversion doesn’t always mean someone is buying something or paying you immediately. That’s where business owners get discouraged. Maybe the conversion was getting them into your Facebook group where you send out offers and connect with your potential clients on a deeper level. It takes time to nurture the relationship before someone buys.

Now onto the four things you should be focusing on to get more conversions on your website.

You want to focus your website on 1-2 goals, we also call these “call to actions.” Where do most clients come from right now? Where is your favorite place to hangout with your community?

Your two main goals should always be to have a potential client book a discovery call or fill out your contact form. Your second goal would be to invite them to join you on your email list or join your free Facebook group. You want to send someone to the one place where you enjoy spending time and feel comfortable sending out offers.

Instead of offering up all the ways someone could find you, which is what most business owners do, you want to drive them to the place you want them to go by limiting the options.

ACTION STEP: Simplify the number of call to actions you have on your website. Focus on giving people two options.

2- The main headline on your website.

The headlines on your site can really make all the difference. Especially your first headline on your homepage. That one headline has to pack a powerful punch.

You have to describe what you do in a way that’s clear and concise. People want straight to the point. You want everyone who reads it to be able to understand what you do immediately.

You want to avoid using words, phrases, or titles that the general public doesn’t understand immediately. Then use your subtext and body copy to really speak to your ideal client.

ACTION STEP: Look at the main headline that introduces your business with a critical eye and ask yourself if it’s super clear. You could even ask a friend to see if it makes sense to them.

Don’t be afraid to test and tweak! This will certainly evolve as your business evolves over time.

3- The buttons on your website

Your buttons are way more important than you think! Outside of designers, I don’t think anyone realizes how much attention to detail goes into buttons.

Your call to action should always have a button and not just a text link. Buttons and call to actions need to stand out! Make sure that your buttons really look like buttons. There was a trend for a while to hide the buttons and that’s not a good idYou want people to be immediately drawn to them and want to click. People have a strange desire to click things. Think about how often you click a pen while fidgeting. Or when kids like to push all of the elevator buttons. It’s ingrained in humans to click buttons. We just have a little more self-control in the elevators as adults.

Here are some tips for making your buttons stand out!

Choose ONE color that really pops and catches the eye and use that color for all your call to actions.

Use exciting language! Words like YES! And “I” statements that explain what they are getting or doing when they click the button are more fun to click!

If possible, add a hover effect to your buttons to make them even more fun to click.

Don’t be afraid to test and try things out.

ACTION STEP: Pick one of your branding colors and use that for all of your important buttons. (Don’t use this color anywhere else!) Test out new language on your buttons using words that are exciting and from the point of view of the reader.

4- The forms on your website.

Are your forms simple and easy for potential clients? Forms are a huge place of resistance for most buyers. Buyers want low commitment. (Which is why we offer a low-commitment next step like joining an email list or Facebook group.) And if they have to tell you their life story to book a discovery call, they won’t.

Statistics show that the most effective forms have no more than 5 questions. Removing just one question from your form can increase conversions by 26%.

That doesn’t mean I think all forms should only have 5 questions. I think we need to ask only the most important information on a form to get the best conversion rate.

There’s a careful balance here to really use forms to your advantage. If you find that you are getting too many inquiries or a lot of people who aren’t the right fit for your service, you can use your form to deter less serious leads.

ACTION STEP: Review your contact form and ask yourself if it’s only asking the most important information. You can follow up to get more information by email or during your discovery call.

Ready for a great example?

Here’s James Wedmore’s homepage and it checks all of the boxes!

Ready to increase conversions on your own website? We can help! We’ve helped business owners just like you increase conversions on their website. In fact, we recently helped one shop owner increase sales by over 40% with a few improvements. Read the case study here.





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